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JBHS Back to School Newsletter

Posted Date: 8/01/24 (7:00 PM)

JBHS Newsletter
Back to School Edition
July 31, 2024
Front of JBHS
JBHS Families,
back to school image
Welcome to our monthly newsletter. It’s hard to believe that the summer has passed so quickly and we are less than a month away from the beginning of the 2024-25 school year. We are looking forward to the return of our students to our hallways and the start of all of our traditional events and activities. Every fall our students and families have many questions and this year will be no exception. It is my hope that this letter will provide many of the answers you seek. We will update and add to this letter throughout the school year on a monthly basis.

Important Upcoming Dates
Black and White photo of students sitting at desks with pen and paper
Aug. 12th- Official Start of Fall Athletics
Aug. 13th- Back to School Open House
  • 6-6:30PM- Freshman and New Student Orientation in JBHS Auditorium
  • 6:30-7:30PM- Back to School Open House for all students and parents grades 9-12
Aug. 21th- 1st Day of School
Aug. 28th- JBHS Student Picture Day
Sept. 4th- Labor Day- Schools Closed  
Sept. 18th- 2 Hr. Delay
Sept. 20th-Homecoming Football Game
Sept. 21st- Homecoming Dance- 6:30-9:30PM
Starting the School Year
Student schedules meme
We will make an announcement via our Parent Square messaging system when Student Schedules are available to view. As always, we are working hard to ensure students' schedules are correct, however, with over 700 students in grades 9-12 we expect that there may be some changes necessary prior to the start of school. Once they are released, if you have a concern with or question regarding your child's schedule, please reach out to their school counselor via email. Students with last name A-K are under the purview of Mrs. Brenda Ford ( and students with last names L-Z work with Mrs. Lynn Troutman (  

Additionally, we understand that your child may want to explore possible changes to his/her courses. We ask that schedule changes be addressed prior to the start of school. Please remember that, due to various scheduling constraints, not every student will be able to get their first selection of all classes. Your child may have been scheduled into an elective that was not one of their original selections in order to have a complete schedule and/or meet graduation requirements. Additionally, please be aware of course prerequisites before requesting a course change. 

Back to School
BTS Open house
9th grade/New Student Orientation and Grades 9-12 Open House Program: 
On Tuesday, August 13th from 6-7:30PM we will hold our 9th grade/New Student Orientation and All Grades Open House Program. All 9th Grade students and students new to JBHS for 2024-25 are invited to come to the High School Auditorium at 6PM for a brief welcome and introduction presentation by JBHS Principal, Mr. Dickey and JBHS Asst. Principal, Mrs. Zimmerman. Starting at 6:30 the building will be open and Teachers will be available for all students in grades 9-12 to explore the building, find the locations of your classes and meet your teachers. Please be aware that this event is a “Meet and Greet” evening. If you would like to have a traditional in depth parent teacher conference, please contact the Counseling Office to schedule a meeting.  

The First Day of School: for all students will be Thursday, August 21st.  

Homerooms-  Homerooms will appear on your student’s schedule in Skyward. We will also post homerooms in student waiting areas as they arrive at school on Thursday, August 21st. Students should report to the following areas as they arrive to school:
  • 9th- Gym
  • 10th- Cafeteria
  • 11th- Gym
  • 12th- Cafeteria
FCCTC Start of School Information:
The first Daty for Fall FCCTC students will be August 22nd. They are not required to attend at JBHS on August 21st. Fall FCCTC students will report to the Career Center for the start their school year on August 22nd and will receive their JBHS start of school paperwork in their 7th period Math Class when they return to JBHS in the afternoon. Students can access TSD transportation at each of the Elementary Schools to JBHS. Buses to FCCTC will depart from JBHS at 7:45 and St. Thomas at 7:55. 
-Please click here for the FCCTC Welcome Back Letter from Mr. Sholes with information regarding the start of school at FCCTC as well as important policies at FCCTC.

FCCTC Transportation Update: All students driving to JBHS and boarding the career tech shuttle will ride bus #40 beginning 8/22/24. Those students need to arrive at the pool ramp door and be ready by 7:40 am. The career tech shuttle bus will depart JBHS promptly at 7:45 am.

We will not have bus #54 transporting students from JBHS to Career Tech this school year. We will be utilizing bus #54 to go to St. Thomas Elementary School to pick up those career tech students. We currently have 60 students attending semester one and they will not all fit on one bus.

In the afternoon the buses will remain the same. Underclassmen will ride bus #40 back to JBHS and all seniors will ride bus #54 back to JBHS at the dismissal time.

Skyward Family Access
Once again in 2024-45 Tuscarora School District will make use of the Skyward Student Information Management System.  This system has many tools to help parents stay connected and monitor their student's progress at TSD.  Once our schedules for the upcoming school year are finalized they will be available to view via the Skyward Parent Portal.  To learn more, visit Skyward's Family Access Toolkit at the link below:

You can log in to Skyward by clicking the "Parent Portal" link

If you'd like to access Skyward on your mobile device, Skyward Mobile Access is available in both the Google Play and Apple App Store.  For more information and a link to downloads the app, please visit:

Parent Square Logo
Our School Is Using Parent Square
Dear Parents & Guardians,
We are excited to let you know that this school year we’ll be using ParentSquare to
communicate with you at the school, and in your classrooms and groups. If you haven't done so already, we’d like you to set up your account now so you’re ready for communications throughout the school year.
ParentSquare provides a simple and safe way for everyone at school to connect.

With ParentSquare you’ll be able to:
• Receive all district, school and classroom communication via email, text, or app
• View the school and classroom calendar and RSVP for events
• Easily sign up to volunteer and/or bring items
• Securely receive report cards, IEPs and other important student documents

Activate your Account
Over the course of the summer you received an invitation email or text to join ParentSquare. Please click the link to activate your account. It takes less than a minute. Please activate your account now so you’re ready to receive communications about the upcoming year. You can use ParentSquare on any device. You can download the free mobile app for iOS or Android or use the desktop version at

Below are some additional resources that be be helpful as we embark on the implementation of this new resource:

Our goal is for every family to join ParentSquare and engage with our school community!
Health Department Notices
Important Notice for Families of the Class of 2026- Pennsylvania law requires all 11th grade students to have a physical exam completed and documentation of that exam turned in to the JBHS nurse’s office by February 1st. Any physical completed after August 24th, 2023 can be submitted. 

Important Notice for Families the Class of 2025- The Pennsylvania Health department requires all 12th graders have their second meningococcal vaccine administered AFTER the child’s 16th birthday. This documentation is due no later than August 27th. If you have not submitted the required vaccination documents, please do so as soon as possible. Students who have not turned in this paper work by August 28th will be excluded from school attendance until the requirement has been met. Questions can be directed to our school nurse, Mrs. Kim Clopper at

School Safety
School Safety Drill-
Early in the school year we will be performing a practice lockdown drill as well as a fire drill. Prior to the lockdown drill teachers and staff will review and discuss our lockdown and fire evacuation procedures with students. Following the training during a school day an announcement will be made saying that we are going into lockdown and teachers will then follow our lockdown procedures with students. We are informing you of this practice to make you aware of the drill to prevent concern. It may be beneficial to talk with your son or daughter before this training drill. We will also conduct a fire evacuation drill at some point during the week. If you have any questions about either drill, please feel free to contact the front office at (717) 328-2146.
The transportation department is working very hard to get everyone scheduled. It is our hope to have most routing done a week prior to the start of school. Please know that last minute changes by parents with incoming or withdrawal of students as well as other last-minute changes can change a route’s time frame significantly.  

** If you see bussing information in your child’s portal, please recheck a day prior to the start of school just to make sure there were no changes that impacted your child’s bus or van route. 

FCCTC Transportation Update- 8/12/24

All students driving to JBHS and boarding the career tech shuttle will ride bus #40 beginning 8/22/24. Those students need to arrive at the pool ramp door and be ready by 7:40 am. The career tech shuttle bus will depart JBHS promptly at 7:45 am.

We will not have bus #54 transporting students from JBHS to Career Tech this school year. We will be utilizing bus #54 to go to St. Thomas Elementary School to pick up those career tech students. We currently have 60 students attending semester one and they will not all fit on one bus.

In the afternoon the buses will remain the same. Underclassmen will ride bus #40 back to JBHS and all seniors will ride bus #54 back to JBHS at the dismissal time.
school supplies
School Supplies
  • Supplies- We have received inquiries regarding school supply lists. Given that students select their courses, creating a common list for all students would be very difficult. Therefore, JBHS does NOT publish a school supply list. Students will be advised of any supplies they may need by their teachers at the beginning of the school year. Please contact your child’s teacher or school counselor if purchasing required materials would pose a financial hardship for your family.
  • Chromebooks- All Students should come to school with their Chromebook charged and in its case and a pen or pencil to school every day.  
  • 9th Grade Students will receive new Chromebooks early in the school year. Until then they should bring their current Chromebook.
bell scedule
Daily Schedule
Daily Bell Schedule
 8:00 Students will exit their bus and report to their designated areas
  • Seniors – Cafeteria
  • Juniors – Gym
  • Sophomores – Cafeteria
  • Freshmen – Gym
 8:20 Students Dismiss to Homerooms
 8:25 Homeroom Warning Bell
 8:26 -  8:36 (10 minutes) Anthem, Attendance, Announcements
 8:39 -  9:04 (25 minutes) Activity Period
 9:07 -  9:52 (45 minutes) Period 1     
 9:55 - 10:40 (45 minutes) Period 2   
10:43 - 11:28 (45 minutes) Period 3
11:31 - 12:01 (30 minutes) LUNCH A    
12:04 -  12:49 (45 minutes) Period 4B    
11:31 -  12:16 (45 minutes) Period 4A       
12:19 - 12:49 (30 minutes)LUNCH B  
12:52 -  1:37 (45 minutes) Period 5
 1:40 -  2:25 (45 minutes) Period 6
 2:28 -  3:13 (45 minutes) Period 7

JBHS Student/Parent Handbook
smart phone
Cell Phone Policy Update
A new schoolwide policy that we will be requiring all teachers in the building to endorse this year will be to implement a cell phone storage caddie/station to house all student cell phones during class time. This strategy has been widely implemented in many schools and within JBHS by several teachers. Our goal in implementing this new school wide policy is to reduce distractions and improve student engagement in classrooms during instructional time. 
Badge Policy:
Once again this year will require all students and staff to wear/display their ID Badge prominently on their person throughout the day. Student badges will be distributed as soon as we receive them following school pictures. This policy was successfully piloted within the building last year and we will continue to implement it moving forward.
every day counts
  • This year TSD is putting extra emphasis on school attendance and cutting down on chronic absenteeism. Please make sure that you are making every effort to have your child at school every day that it is possible.
  • When your child is absent, the district is able to accept a note from the parent/guardian for the first ten(10) days that a student is absent. Upon absence, the parent guardian has up to three(3) days from the date of the absence to turn in the note. Parents/guardians can send a physical note to be delivered to the office upon the return to school, or a parent/guardian can email our attendance secretary, Jennifer Kuhns at 
absence notes
Notes to School
  • Include child's FIRST AND LAST NAME on any notes sent from home.When your child is absent from school, a note stating the reason for the absence must be submitted within 3 days upon their return to school.
  • Notes should be sent anytime you are planning to pick up your child for an early dismissal.
  • No bus passes will be given for a change in transportation, unless prearranged through the transportation department.
Student Obligations:
Be aware that materials, books, and other supplies are loaned to the students at various points throughout the school year.  Other fees are also added to student accounts at various points as a way of covering the cost of other educational experiences or requirements.  Students are expected to pay for any school owned property which are damaged, lost, or stolen as well as for fees associated with educational activities. For the purposes of this policy, these will be known as student obligations.
  • At the end of each marking period, students will be made aware of their obligations. 
  • Student participation in certain activities will be withheld if obligations are owed.

student parking
Parking Passes
Available in the JBHS Main Office beginning on the first day of school. Student drivers will need to purchase their parking passes no later than Sept. 3rd. Parking Passes are $25.
Other Policies of note:

  • Pg. 13 - TSD Chain of Communication Chart
  • Pg. 14 - Overview of Disciplinary Infractions and Consequences
  • Pg. 23 - Technology Acceptable Use Policy
  • Pg. 24 - Appearance and Dress Code
  • Pg. 50 - Electronic Device/Cell Phones/Images
  • Pg. 57 - Grading Policy and Graduation Requirements
  • Pg. 78 - Special Education
  • Pg. 86 - Video/Audio Recording
  • Pg. 87 - Work Coop Program

school meals
BREAKFAST AND LUNCH- Available Free to TSD Students
Once again this school year all TSD students will be eligible for Breakfast and Lunch free of charge for all qualifying purchases. If students have questions regarding qualifying selections they can consult with our Cafeteria Staff.
JBHS Athletics
JB Rockets Logo
Once again this year we will offer a full range of athletic teams and activities for our students and we look forward to another exciting year of Rocket Athletics. For more information about all of our Rocket Athletics Schedules, please click here.  

The following home athletic events will be livestreamed on the NFHS Network:
-Jr. High and High School Varsity Football
–JBHS Volleyball
-JBHS Soccer (Boys and Girls)
*Please note NFHS access requires a subscription. Subscriptions are available on a monthly or annual basis. See the NFHS Website for more information.
Drivers Ed
Did you know that James Buchanan High School offers a Behind the Wheel Driver Education Program? The program consists of 9 hours of simulated driving and 3 hours of on-the-road driving with certified instructors. Added benefits include PA driver’s license testing at JBHS, avoiding the DMV, and a potential reduction in student driver insurance costs. Please see the link below for further details.

* A student is eligible for this program once receiving their driving permit.
Act 158 State Graduation Requirements-
Act 158 of 2018 (Act 158), provides alternatives to Pennsylvania’s statewide requirement of attaining proficiency on the three end-of-course Keystone Exams (Algebra I, Literature, and Biology) for a student to achieve statewide graduation requirements. Effective with the graduating class of 2023, students have the option to demonstrate postsecondary preparedness through one of four additional pathways that more fully illustrate college, career, and community readiness. Click here for more information regarding the Act 158 Statewide Graduation Requirement Pathways

TSD Online Academy
Students and families participating in our TSD Online Academy program should take time to click here and read and review the TSD Online Academy Handbook (Draft). For more information regarding the TSD Online Academy please contact the following:

Final Thoughts
As with any school year there will be challenges and successes along the way as we progress through 2024-25. We will endeavor to update this letter throughout the school year. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to us at the school. We are looking forward to seeing all of you on August 21st and to a successful 2024-25 School Year!

Chip Dickey
JBHS Principal